5 Ways to Defend Your Facility from Cold & Flu this Winter
If there’s anything we’ve all learned the past couple years, it’s that taking smart, pragmatic and scientifically backed cleaning can help reduce the spread of viruses in your facility. While we can’t prevent people from coming inside when they’re not feeling well, we do have some essential tips that can keep your facility as safe […]
Facility Managers: Keep Cleaning from Becoming a Headache
A cleaner calls in sick. You constantly have to check in on the janitorial team. The list of issues you can face when managing a manufacturing facility is long – but those related to cleaning don’t have to be on your list. And frankly, those types of issues shouldn’t be on your list if you […]
Cleaner’s Corner: When it comes to cleaning schools, how is it different than, say, office buildings?
Brian Regnart, KleenMark’s Madison-area Branch Manager: Overseeing an array of cleaning teams across various industries (and having children myself) one thing is certain: Kids can make a new mess before the old one’s even cleaned up. Knowing that, every school gets a top-to-bottom cleaning each night. From disinfecting surfaces to scrubbing hallway floors, it’s critical […]
High-ceiling Cleaning: How and Why to Tackle Those Hard-to-reach Areas
There’s an old adage in the cleaning game: Don’t forget to look up. But when it comes to high-ceiling cleaning, it’s admittedly easy to brush aside, given the delicate nature of the work. But it’s incredibly important tackle the job if you’re going to keep your facility looking good and free of grime and dust […]
Force of Infection: What is it, does it matter for disinfection?
Since the pandemic hit, you’ve probably learned a lot of new germ-related terms. But one you may not be that familiar with is force of infection, an important thing to consider as you determine the future of your facility’s disinfection program. Force of infection, or FOI, is the rate at which individuals in a population […]
Healthcare Cleaning: The Key to Developing Well-trained Teams
When it comes to healthcare cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection, having poorly trained or ill prepared staff isn’t an option. If those workers don’t understand a healthcare facility’s specific needs, it can result in costly, dangerous errors. Along with looking for experience and certifications, always ask how your cleaning partner recruits, onboards, trains and supports the […]
Cleaner’s Corner: Why your janitorial company needs to understand JCAHO
Question: Is it important that a cleaning company understands healthcare rules and regulations, specifically those from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)? Tenzin Kunga, Medical Operations Assistant Manager: One. Hundred. Percent. Having worked on both sides of the fence, if you will, I’ve seen the benefits for a healthcare facility when its […]
Quaternary or Peroxide Disinfectants: What’s best for you?
A lot of disinfectants are on the market, but at the end of the day, commercial cleaners often choose between two chemicals: Quaternary Ammonium and Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide. Those are big words but more importantly there are some big differences between the two disinfectants. One is ideal for noncritical surfaces while the other is good […]
Cleaner’s Corner: Applying Disinfectant – Good, Better, Best
Question: What’s the best way for applying disinfectant? This may seem surprising, but we get this question a lot. And it’s still common to see people applying disinfectant incorrectly. The thing is. it doesn’t need to be complicated. I’ve laid out three different approaches to application, ranging from good to best. Of course, I’d always […]
3 Steps to Help Employees Fight Germs
Editor’s note: Quick Kleen is a regularly occurring video series produced by our cleaning and disinfection experts. The series is designed to provide you with practical information your team can use, while giving you insight into our approach and services offered. As you bring employees back into the workplace – or look to simply improve cleaning and […]