Debunking Common Cleaning Myths

Get the real deal on cleaning tips and tricks from the Kleen Team.

Get the real deal on common cleaning myths.In the world of business, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is crucial to success. It’s not just about appearances; a clean workplace can boost morale, improve perception about your business, and minimize the spread of illness.

However, there are a few common misconceptions about cleaning. These myths can not only lead to ineffective cleaning but can sometimes be hazardous to your employees’ health. Here, we’ve gathered a few common cleaning myths to avoid (and what to do in their place)!


Myth: Bleach is the Ultimate Cleanser

Reality: Understand Bleach’s Limitations

Bleach has earned a reputation as the ultimate germ-fighting champion. Yet, in the day-to-day cleaning of most surfaces, bleach is often overkill. Not only that, it can be corrosive to certain materials and requires careful handling due to its potentially harmful emissions. For instance, using bleach to clean stainless steel can cause discoloration and pitting. The truth is, while bleach is great for fighting mildew and pathogens in the appropriate areas, a combination of soap and water is usually sufficient for general maintenance.

Bleach can also be a dangerous chemical, especially when accidentally or improperly mixed with other cleaning agents. When using bleach, make sure you’re diluting it appropriately with water or selecting a different cleaning agent more suited to the job instead. A multi-surface cleaner or soap and water with a little elbow grease may be better options for the problem at hand.


Myth: More Detergent Equals a Better Clean

Reality: Avoid Overdosing on Detergent

It’s a common belief that using more detergent leads to a deeper clean. In reality, using excessive amounts of cleaning products can leave behind a residue that attracts dirt, effectively undoing all your scrubbing efforts. What’s more, overuse of detergents can be harmful to the integrity of the items being cleaned, particularly when they’re repeatedly exposed to harsh chemicals.

Make sure you’re using the appropriate amount of cleaning agent for the problem. The bottle or can will have guidelines on the amount to use or how to dilute the cleaning concentrate to the appropriate levels. This is a great way to ensure you’re using product correctly and will help towards your yearly cleaning budget, too!


Myth: Mixing Cleaning Products Boosts Their Power

Reality: Do Not Try This at Home!

Mixing cleaning products is never a good idea. Combining certain chemicals, such as ammonia and bleach or vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, can be toxic and dangerous. Additionally, combining products can render active ingredients ineffective by neutralizing them.

In order to make sure your business avoids unnecessary downtime or, even worse, a harmful incident to employees, make sure you’re never mixing any chemicals. Cleaning agents should also always be used in a well-ventilated area.


Myth: Newspaper Makes for Streak-Free Windows

Reality: A Microfiber Cloth Works Better

Using newspaper to clean windows is a traditional method believed to leave them streak-free, but this is one of the more common cleaning myth . In reality, the ink and dust particles in newspapers can create unwanted streaks and smudges on glass, not to mention the mess it leaves on your hands and office floors. Microfiber cloths are a much better, more modern solution that is also sustainable. When paired with an appropriate glass cleaning solution, they can make your windows sparkly and clear.


Myth: All Plants Purify the Air

Reality: Not Every Plant is an Air Purification Hero

The idea that houseplants are natural air purifiers is partly true. Plants do absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, but their efficacy at cleaning the air is often overstated. Some popular plants in offices may be touted for their air-purifying benefits, but in reality, it would take an unfeasible number of plants to substantially improve indoor air quality. Peace Lily, Spider Plants, and Snake Plants are all great air purifiers (and can help improve your office décor!), but if you’re looking for real air purification, there are some great machine systems to put in place. These are especially great for medical facilities where clean is crucial.


Myth: White Vinegar is a Miracle Cleaner

Reality: Vinegar’s Versatility Has Its Limits

White vinegar has garnered a well-deserved reputation as a cost-effective, natural cleaning solution. It’s great at tackling grease and grime, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. However, it’s not a cure-all. Vinegar is acidic and can cause damage to porous surfaces like granite, marble, and unsealed grout. It also doesn’t contain powerful cleaning agents that may be necessary in a medical facility or similar business.

To harness vinegar’s cleaning power without risking damage, use it on tougher surfaces like tile and vinyl. Dilute it with water—usually in a 1:1 ratio—and use this solution for mopping, cleaning drains, and descaling coffee makers. For delicate surfaces, it’s wise to test a small, inconspicuous area first or seek an alternative cleaning product.


Myth: Air Fresheners Eliminate Odors

Reality: They Mask Smells, Not Remove Them

Air fresheners are a fast fix for unpleasant odors, but they don’t eliminate the source of the smell. In some cases, the chemicals in air fresheners can mix with the odor in the air and create a new, worse smell. They also contribute to indoor air pollution, which can be a concern in sealed office spaces. If you need to mask smells, consider inviting in a professional cleaning team to help identify the root issue of unwanted odors, and enlist help in getting a deep clean rather than masking a scent.


Myth: Hiding Clutter Means a Clean Workplace

Reality: Out of Sight Doesn’t Mean Out of Mind

It’s a time-honored office tradition to stash clutter in a drawer or behind a closed door. Unfortunately, just because clutter is hidden doesn’t mean it doesn’t impact the cleanliness and functionality of the space. It also sends a message to employees that the organization isn’t concerned with order and tidiness.

Instead of hiding clutter, address it head-on. Create a system for paper management, regularly sort and recycle old materials, and encourage employees to keep their workspaces organized. This not only minimizes the amount of visible clutter but also makes it easier to clean and maintain a neat workplace.


Dispelling common cleaning myths is not just about setting the record straight; it’s about ensuring the health and productivity of your employees. By educating your team on the dos and don’ts of cleaning practices, you create an environment where everyone can contribute to maintaining a sparkling workplace safely and effectively. Embrace the correct cleaning methods, and you’ll not only avoid mishaps and misunderstandings but also impress with the gleaming results. If you are interested in a deep clean or other cleaning services, request a quote today!

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