4 Essential Building Cleaning Services for Janesville, WI Businesses

Get these must-have services and more when you work with KleenMark.

Looking for business cleaning services in Janesville, WI? Look no further than KleenMark!You know what it takes to keep a business running smoothly — making sure clients are happy, employees are meeting their metrics and payroll is processed, among many other day-to-day tasks. One area you may be overlooking, though, is the maintenance and upkeep of your actual office space.

A clean and organized office goes a long way to keeping employees productive and happy, visitors and customers impressed, and operations running as they should. If your current cleaning program isn’t cutting it, it may be time to upgrade to a cleaning partner that can help get your office or facility space back into shape.

Not sure where to start? Here are four essential building cleaning services for Janesville, WI, businesses:

  1. Floor care
  2. Restroom cleaning
  3. Overall sanitization & disinfection
  4. Specialty services

If you’re in need of building cleaning services in Janesville, WI, read on to learn more about these must-have services and how KleenMark can help fit them into your cleaning routine.


Floor care

The weather is about to turn chillier and, sooner than we might like, snowier — especially here in Wisconsin. At KleenMark, we are used to the harsh Midwest winters and what they can do to the interiors of office buildings. The accumulating snow, salt, slush and muck can really do a number on even the toughest flooring. Whether you have flooring that’s vinyl, tile, carpeting or a mix of everything, we have tried and true methods for removing even the most stubborn stains and marks.


Restroom cleaning

Even if the rest of your office is sparkling clean, if the restroom is unkempt, it won’t go unnoticed by both employees and visitors. Bathrooms can be an afterthought when it comes to cleaning since they’re typically not the first thing people see when they arrive, but we know that a well-maintained bathroom with clean floors, dry countertops and ample bathroom supplies (toilet paper, hand towels, air freshener, etc.) leaves an excellent impression.


Overall sanitization & disinfection

The last few years have made us all more cognizant of the importance of proper cleaning and sanitization. At KleenMark, we’ve been keeping dirt, germs and viruses at bay for nearly six decades and, along the way, have picked up some best practices for sanitizing office spaces that keep everyone as healthy as possible. While life has, fortunately, largely returned to normal, we remain ever-vigilant against any number of viruses that can spread at the workplace.


Specialty services

No two businesses are exactly alike, and we’re proud of our ability to customize our cleaning protocols to fit any workplace. In addition to our standard cleaning services, we also offer specialty services such as window cleaning, lighting replacement, exterior ground policing, and more.


If you’re in search of building cleaning services in Janesville, WI, check out our “Are We a Good Fit?” page to see if KleenMark is the right cleaning partner for your facility’s needs.

If you’re ready to take the next step and discover the difference the Kleen Team can make for your business, contact us for a quote today!

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