3 Winter Cleaning Essentials Every Wisconsin Facility Pro Should Have in Their Toolkit

In Wisconsin, Winter is ALWAYS right around the corner. And that means snow, ice, and a lot of extra work.
Driving becomes more cautious, parking lots get blocked with snow. Plus, all that mess tracks inside to ruin the beautiful floors and carpets you’ve been scrubbing, buffing, and polishing all summer!

Order Ice Melt by Oct 14th, 2019 for Best Pricing and Guaranteed Availability
Now’s the best time to order ice melt! If you order by October 14th, 2019 not only will you get low, pre-season pricing, but KleenMark will also warehouse your order until you need it, and then deliver it at no charge!
To see options and get a custom quote, give our facility supplies manager, Doug Lerch, a call at 608-443-0168 or email him at dlerch AT kleenmark DOT com.

Lesser mortals get clobbered by this non-stop streams of dirty snow and slip-fall incidents. But, the best facility pros laugh in the face of mean ole Mr. Winter.
All because they have a well-stocked winter cleaning toolkit that includes these three essential items…

#1 – Floor Matting. Do you have enough?

Did you know…

  1. The cost of removing a single pound of dirt from a building can run in excess of $600 in cleaning costs?
  2. The average slip fall injury exceeds $12,000?
  3. Defending a slip-fall case averages another $50,000 in legal costs?


But, you can avoid all of that with a proper matting plan. Only 10-15 feet of matting in the right spots can reduce 80% of the total volume of salt and snow entering your building.
And KleenMark offers a huge selection of matting solutions (from economy to custom logo products and shapes). We can even come to your location with options and samples.

#2 – Ice Melt. Don’t miss the ordering window!

Any facility pro worth their…ahem salt…knows that ice melt is the best way to quickly keep your sidewalks safe and clear.
These tiny, magical crystals help to lower the melting point of the frozen water (aka snow and ice) around them. And that can reduce the slip-fall risk on your parking lots and sidewalks while making the task of shovel and snow removal easier!
However, that also means it is really easy to go through a lot of ice melt FAST. And the worst thing that can happen is for you to run our and not be able to source more in February after that huge snow storm.

The real secret of great facility pros is that they order their ice melt early!

In case you don’t know, ice melt suppliers have to give priority to their transportation contracts after a certain date (usually in October).
That means prices will go (way) up and you can no longer be able to guarantee delivery dates or quantities.
But, at KleenMark for example, if you order by October 14th, 2019:

  1. You’ll get low, pre-season pricing you’ll find hard to beat.
  2. We’ll also store your entire order until you need it in our Madison, WI warehouse.
  3. We’ll deliver it to your facility at no charge! That means you don’t need to find space for 2 pallets (or more) of 50 lbs bags!

And the great thing is you have multiple options when it comes to ice melt. Whether you’re looking for something that’s safe and good for the environment or has maximum melting power, KleenMark has you covered.

Our Favorite Ice Melts:

Green Option – Safe Step 750 Magnesium Chloride (-25F)

  • One of the most environmentally friendly Ice Melters on the market.
  • Safe Step 750 is designed with unique crystal shape to provide the optimum combination of ice penetration and scatter control. Safe for people, vegetation, pet and the environment when used as directed.
  • Magnesium Chloride. Clear crystals.
  • 50 lb. bags, 42 per pallet.

Most Popular – Triple S Commercial Ice Melter (-7F)

  • Safe handling and easy to see blue crystals make this a great choice!
  • Blue color crystals are easy-to-see for an effective application every time. Contains a corrosion inhibitor that makes this a safe, glove and goggle free, yet fast-acting choice for a variety of applications.
  • Magnesium chloride, sodium chloride blend. Blue color crystals.
  • 50 lb. bags, 42 per pallet.

#3 – Ice Melt Remover

Once you’ve used a bunch of that ice melt you pre-ordered…sometimes you will end up with a little salty residue on your carpets, floors, and mats.
That’s just the nature of ice melt. Even with the best products. However, there is an easy solution to remove those salt rings!

Concept “915” Ice Melt Remover is a simple cleaning solution for ice melt that works on both hard surfaces and carpets.
One pouch creates 5 gallons of a powerful chelating cleaner that suspend the salt and chlorides so they can be easily removed.
Yes, you can try scrubbing with other cleanings, but sometimes using the right tool makes your job 10x easier. And this simple and cheap solution definitely falls in that category.


So, if you’re a Wisconsin Facility Pro we highly recommend that you:

  • Have a enough matting (at least 10-15 feet in entrances)
  • Pre-order your Ice Melt (before mid-october)
  • Use Ice Melt Remover to make clean up easy!
Order Ice Melt by Oct 14th, 2019 for Best Pricing and Guaranteed AvailabilityNow’s the best time to order ice melt! If you order by October 14th, 2019 not only will you get low, pre-season pricing, but KleenMark will also warehouse your order until you need it, and then deliver it at no charge!
And don’t wait to order! Because after October 14th our suppliers lock in quantities with Transportation Departments. That means order costs everywhere go up and supply is no longer guaranteed.
To see options and get a custom quote, give our facility supplies manager, Doug Lerch, a call at 608-443-0168 or email him at dlerch AT kleenmark DOT com.

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