Whether it’s parents, students or staff, everyone wants to know what their school is doing to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections when school starts this fall – and that begins with cleaning and disinfecting plans.
With Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction introducing its E
With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issuing detailed guidelines, making a strong push for students to return to school in person this fall, your head may be spinning as you work to develop a plan that needs to be effective, flexible and fluid.
On top of that, mix in the Education Forward plan from Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction and you have a lot of information to analyze.
To help, KleenMark is developing resources to help streamline the process for you. From equipment and chemical checklists, to FAQs we’ve gathered from school administrators, this information is designed to help you shape your approach.
But, the most important thing to do is to first understand how your school stacks up. That’s why we’ve designed a simple, 15-question quiz (seriously, it takes 5 minutes), to grade your cleaning and disinfecting program.
At the end, we’ll give you a report card, along with the answers that will get you an A+. Additionally, you’ll get a free, downloadable pdf that’s full of practical tips and tricks to help improve your program.
Rather talk to someone first? Give us a call at 608-481-0008 or email Lora at [email protected] for a free consultation.